We watched War Horse last night. When I say ‘we’ I didn’t bother. I’m told it’s something to do with the length of my nose and where I focus that means I’m not a great tv watcher, rather than not liking anything that’s on! Anyway, our Master, Mistress and Shadow and Aristotle did all watch. Ari was riveted to the screen when the horse was on. He started by standing right in front of it, but then did at least move to the settee so he wasn’t in anyone else’s way. He sat watching throughout. Shadow didn’t like the war scenes, so she resorted to washing Aristotle’s ears until that stage finished. I just had to provide fur to dry our Mistress’s tears as she cried through large parts of it. I’ll never understand women. At least my Master, while enjoying watching, did manage to stay dry eyed. Ari was a bit emotional, but then he always is, and clung to our Mistress throughout the final scenes.
It’s measuring day for Shadow but our Mistress has warned me not to get excited. Looking at her she doesn’t look as though there has been any change at all. It’s either a very small litter compared to previous years or she isn’t pregnant. We’ve only got to wait until Friday and then one way or another the house will become bedlam. Either it will be all hands on deck to prepare for a birth in four weeks or it will be heated ‘discussion’ about our Mistress pulling out of the summer family plans. Either way, you’ll find me hiding under the duvet upstairs until it all goes away.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com