Wednesday 31st December 2014 – Home and Happy

Shadow was at least as excited to be home as our Mistress was. She came bouncing out of the car and was thrilled to see our Master. My Mistress told her she needs to be a quiet calm dog in the hope she will be pregnant. Shadow said that she was allowed a little bounce.

Once the car was unpacked Ari asked if our new toy can be set up, but my Mistress has told us we need to wait until she has sorted all her things out and caught up. One of the parcels waiting for her when she got home was a big German to English dictionary so now she can look up all the words she doesn’t know when she reads the children’s book she bought herself. The parcel I thought was going to be the things I have to test turned out to be book stock for her business so I was disappointed, but the malt and vanilla biscuits she’d brought did help to make up for that. We’re looking forward to lots of lovely walks with her now she’s home. She says she’s missed our walks too. Shadow can’t go out for walks at the moment with being in season, so she’s fed up. She’ll be back to walking in another week or so and then our Mistress will really want her to stay fit in the so that she is healthy for giving birth in nine weeks’ time. Oh we do all hope that she will be giving birth then. It seems ages since there have been little puppies in the house and I do like them at that age. It’s just when they grow up that I’m a little less keen!

We were all happy last night as the return was celebrated with a nice steak and we had just a little bit. Obviously a whole one of our own would be better, but I guess we can’t grumble.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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