Friday 26th December 2014 – Happy Birthday Master

Today is my Master’s birthday. We’re having to try to make up to him for the fact that our Mistress is still away with Shadow. They will of course speak to him on the phone, but that’s not the same as being here. Shadow is going to meet the stud dog for the first time today, but my Mistress does not think she is ready yet, so it may just be chance for them to introduce themselves and have a little play together. One thing that my Mistress has learnt about dog breeding is that it is never predictable. Shadow’s seasons have always followed the same pattern and she has always been ready to mate on days 10, 11 and 12 or 11, 12 and 13. Every time has been the same, without fail… until now! Yesterday was day 10 and today is day 11 so unless she does go ahead and mate this afternoon then all bets are off and we have no idea what to expect or when we’ll get our Mistress back again. Our Mistress says she isn’t worried… yet!

For his Christmas and birthday present combined my Mistress has given our Master a day out driving some very fast, very expensive cars. He’s happy, but I want to know why I never get bought presents like that. Oh don’t get me wrong I like the treats, beds and toys I’ve been given over the years, but they don’t come close to the thought of driving a fast car. I know I’d struggle to reach the pedals but that’s not the point. Maybe as I’ll be 10 next birthday that will be regarded as a special birthday and I’ll get a slightly different present. I should start thinking about what I’d like. Shadow has asked for her own little cart to pull as a retirement present when she stops breeding, perhaps I could ask for at least a motorised cart to sit in and ride.

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