Wednesday 24th December 2014 – Finally

Finally Aristotle has understood that if he hasn’t been good then Santa Claus is not going to be bringing him any presents. Now it is a little too late to do anything about it. He asked if I thought he had been good. ‘Now let me see,’ I said. ‘Counter surfing, lying in wait and pouncing on me, not doing as he’s told, causing general mayhem…’ Well I think it’s safe to say there is one little puppy that Santa won’t bother delivering to this year.

Shadow and our Mistress arrived in Switzerland yesterday. Apparently it was 10 degrees and sunny and rather than all the jumpers my Mistress has packed she said short sleeves would have been fine, but I think she may have been exaggerating. She says there is hardly any snow on the mountains so she’s glad that they weren’t planning to ski. She did say it was beautiful and much nicer than the grey miserable weather we’re having here, so I think she’s coping with being away from home ok. Shadow went for her progesterone test yesterday afternoon and will get the result today. She will then know which days she is going to meet Rolex. What is good news is that the vet is open on Saturday so she has been able to book an appointment for her passport to be stamped ready for coming home. At least their return will not be delayed waiting to do that.

They are having a rest day today and if I’m really lucky I think our Mistress is going to the pet shop to buy more of my favourite malt and vanilla biscuits. She might take pity on Aristotle even if Santa Claus doesn’t. I wonder what time I’m going to manage to get him to go to sleep rather than sitting up waiting to see if he can hear the sleigh coming.

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