Monday 22nd December 2014 – France

Our Mistress got away as planned and headed to our grandparents with all their presents. Then she set off in plenty of time for the Channel Tunnel. Unfortunately it seems everyone else was going to the Tunnel too and although she arrived early she was sent off to an overflow car park. The boards said she was going to be crossing about an hour late but by a strange set of circumstances and being in the right place at the right time she was waved through and ended up leaving 20 minutes early. In the meantime my Master, left to his own devices, had an enjoyable day of mulled wine and mince pies. I guess it’s the Christmas equivalent of beer and pizza.

My Master is a bit of a fan of mince pies, as I think I may have mentioned. Because they are only sold at this time of year by the supermarket, my Mistress stocks up on them so he can have one each day with his packed lunch. On Saturday he asked if they had enough, but was told he would have to make do as the freezer was full. Then he had an idea. If they were taken out of their packets and put in individual plastic bags ready to go in his teddy bear lunch box, they could get more in. On that basis another 9 boxes were purchased and a massive bagging exercise began. I can confirm, we currently have 220 mince pies in our freezer – or at least had, before he started on them!

Ari is moping and a week of him like this is going to mean I deserve a medal! I let him speak to our Mistress on the phone, but it didn’t seem to help. He really needs to remember that he isn’t a puppy anymore.

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