Saturday 20th December 2014 – My Little Sister Cracker

It’s Ari here again. I thought I’d tell you a little about my sister Cracker. She is the only one who ended up with a Christmassy name and I do hope she’s making the most of it at the moment. Here is what her family say about her:

‘Apart from the moment when we wondered if Cracker was going to have Entlescottie puppies – all is fine. Turned out to be a phantom pregnancy. (Apparently she may have had a little dalliance, Ari)

She’s now been spayed so is taking things a bit easy for the last week.


Enjoying her new home and new walks to the estuary and nearby beaches and woodland. Still jumping and going bananas when close friends visit. She loves the water – but hates to go out of her depth – and loves to spray everyone with the Entlebucher trademark shake from top to tail.’

Sounds great doesn’t it? Why can’t we live near a beach? I might just start a campaign for us to move.

I’m feeling a little disgruntled at the prospect of my brother mating with my mother. He’d better be nice to her, that’s all I can say. What makes it even more weird is that he’s even younger than me! It isn’t going to be his first time though, so that is probably good news. I know Mum’s experienced, but I’m still happier to know that Rolex has an idea what he’s doing too.

I’m feeling a bit stressed at the prospect of being without our Mistress for a couple of weeks. I know Alfie will do his best to look after me and I’ve promised not to torment him as long as he can just be comforting when I need it. He’s agreed, as I knew he would. He says they’ll be back before we know, but I’ll be happier when we get to that point. They’re going to be packing today and I know I’ll be feeling a bit tearful. I’m really not the big tough dog I try to appear.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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