Friday 19th December 2014 – Shadow’s New Boyfriend

RolexI thought you might like to hear a little about Shadow’s new boyfriend. Here he is and doesn’t he look handsome? If you are thinking he looks a little like our Aristotle, that would not be any great surprise. He is in fact Aristotle’s brother by another mother.  Both Aristotle and Rolex’s dad is Rino von der Untergass. Ari isn’t taking the thought very well. He says it seems all wrong that one of his brothers will be mating with his mother, even if he isn’t related to her in any way. I wonder if any of the puppies are going to turn out like a Ari? Do you think the puppies should be calling him brother or uncle?

A very weird thing happened on Wednesday night. There was an old fashioned typewriter on Ebay that my Mistress really wanted to bid for. The auction was finishing at 3 in the morning, but because it was such a good price she decided to set the alarm and get up to join the final bidding. The only problem was that during tea there was a power surge and it tripped out one of our wiring circuits, but my Mistress sorted that by going to the fuse box so we thought that all was well. Then a little later there was a van outside from the power company, which is never a good sign. She went off to bed only to be woken by my master to say we had lost all power. Anyway, the long and the short of it was that she couldn’t bid on Ebay because we had no power and the typewriter was sold for a very low price to someone else. It just wasn’t meant to come here. I’ve asked if she would mind not bidding on anything else on Ebay as I don’t want the power to go off again.

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