Thursday 18th December 2014 – Packing to leave

Yesterday was a whirlwind of frantic activity with my Mistress and Shadow starting all their preparations to leave on Sunday. Thankfully our Mistress had time to check what food she needed to order in for the rest of us to eat while she is away, so we’ll be fine. To be honest, as long as my Master has boxes of Mince Pies he’s happy- and we’ve got a whole freezer full of those! They will get to Switzerland on Tuesday in time for Shadow to go to the vet’s to have a progesterone test before they close and so that they will get the result on Christmas Eve. All the presents are wrapped and they are going to drop some of those off at our Mistress’s family on the way past on Sunday and ours will be here ready for us to open on Christmas day with our Master. By now, she’s done the journey so often at short notice that she has checklists in the hope she doesn’t forget to do anything. Shadow has had her microchip checked by the vet, so we don’t have a repeat of the first time she was mated. What Shadow is less thrilled about is the booking of an injection for her almost as soon as she comes back, but it can help protect her puppies so she doesn’t have much choice. Now they just need to make sure all the work is done here before they set off!

I thought you might like to see our new Company banner. As it’s in my name I do like to share these things with you once in a while. If you look carefully you can see my book Alfie’s Woods as one of the covers that appears on it. It’s a collage of the covers of 30 of the books we now publish.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at