Monday 15th December 2014 – What Ari doesn’t tell you

Ari 1

Well I’m back after a lovely weekend. It gives me chance to tell you what Aristotle really gets up to. My Mistress managed to creep up on him when he was ‘counter surfing’ and took these photos. I like the one where he was looking round to see if there was anything he’d missed. The strength he has in his back legs means he’s way too comfortable standing up for a dog. If I do that it isn’t long before my back legs ache and I need to get down. Ari can stand like that quite happily for a good ten minutes or more working his way around the kitchen. Shadow can’t even reach the work surface without jumping up to look! The thing that makes Ari really effective is that he can do more than just rest his front paws on the counter. His back legs are strong enough for him to take his front ones off and use them to pick things up or pull them nearer too him. He’s dangerous!

We have at long last tried the dog beer that my Mistress bought for us and all three of us are in complete agreement it is fantastic. It is every dog’s dream. In fact our Mistress thinks it might be worth keeping some in the cupboard for us to drink if she’s ever worried we might be dehydrated. She won’t let us drink it late at night as she doesn’t want to have to take us out again and we’re being made to share a bottle, which doesn’t seem fair, but I can see the point. She learnt her lesson after leaving a meat dish soaking where Aristotle could reach it and he drank all the water in it! He’ll be taking over before we know it.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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