They are all here – the ingredients for my birthday cake. I asked if my Mistress would make it now, but she says it’s not my birthday until tomorrow. I’m so excited. Better still, because I’ve lost some weight recently, even though I wasn’t trying, she says I can eat a very big piece. I can’t have all of it, I have to give a piece to Shadow and Aristotle and I’m happy for my Master and Mistress to have a slice if they would like one, but I get to eat the rest of it. The only thing that could possibly make it better would be if Bella were here to share it with me. This is going to be the best birthday ever. I’m just hoping it doesn’t rain tomorrow as my Mistress has promised to take me for a special walk wherever I want to go. I suggested going where we used to walk near our house when we lived in Belgium, but it turned out she didn’t mean that far away. I’ve asked to go to Yearsley Woods instead.
This is rapidly turning into the best birthday week. Yesterday I ordered my photos that will go out with the Pet Dogs Democratic Party Membership. I have to sign them all when they get here next week, so that they are ready to go out with the membership packs. I did put in a bid for a whole new photo shoot, but that request was considered excessive – I can’t think why!
Shadow is off to have her microchip checked at the vet, just in case. It would be awful to find it failed again and my Mistress wants time to redo her passport if there is any problem and still be in time for her season starting and being ready to travel. It won’t be many weeks away now.
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