Tuesday 7th October 2014 – Autumn

No one wanted to go for a walk yesterday. We didn’t even want to go outside to go to the toilet and were all more than happy to find our own quiet warm spots to curl up, where we could neither hear, nor see the rain. On the bright side, my Mistress won’t be needing to water the vegetables for few days. You’ll be pleased to know the parsnips and carrots are still growing. It turned out that it was only the odd parsnip that had gone woody. We had a really big one roasted with Sunday lunch this week. When I say ‘we’ I really mean it. It was so big there was enough for all of us to have some. My Mistress is thinking she should be growing that variety again, if only she could remember what they were called. The carrots aren’t quite so big, in fact it takes a couple of carrots to provide a single portion, but the parsnip must have had a girth of a girth of more than 20 centimetres.

We did light the fire in the office yesterday. When I say ‘we’ it was mainly down to my Mistress. Alarmingly when she brought a new pile of wood in, she seems to have brought half the garden spider population with it, which was not part of the plan! We are burning parts of one of the bushes that was cut down in the garden, but in reality I think it needs to be left to dry out for a while first as it doesn’t seem to burn very well. At least with the fire going one corner of the place was bright and cheery. It was one of those days that never really got light and made you wonder how the Scandinavians ever cope in the Winter.

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