Wednesday 1st October 2014 – Lost Dog

Yesterday morning turned out slightly more eventful than you would hope. As my Mistress was driving down the road a black dog walked out straight in front of the car and but for the fact she was going really slowly it would have been a very sorry tale. Anyway, it had no collar and there was no one around so for safety she put it in the car and thought she’d see if she could solve the problem. It looked rather like the dog of a friend of hers so she called at their house, but could see their elderly black dog asleep in the sunshine of their hall. The only thing for it was to take it to the vet to see if they knew where the old girl lived so she could take her home. They didn’t know where she lived and although she had a microchip the record was not up to date. Anyway, our Mistress left her at the vet and went to do her errands and walk Ari. On her way home she saw one of the neighbours from a few houses down and it turned out it was their dog, so they had been worrying about her. The good news is they will now be happily reunited and the funny thing is that it was the same neighbour who shepherded us home when we went walk about some while ago, after the oil man left the back gate open. All dogs are happy and safe and neighbourly good turns appreciated.

Ari came home from his walk proudly announcing that he will now do a down stay while my Mistress walks away for 30 seconds. He’s only ok if there are no distractions but he’s becoming quite a fan of walking to heal and helping himself to a treat from my Mistress’s hand whenever he feels a bit peckish. To be fair, it’s only his breakfast so he does deserve it. He’s not doing so well with ‘kiss’ but he is starting  to learn to beg, although it is an uphill struggle and he thinks it’s demeaning.

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