Tuesday 30th September 2014 – Still waiting

The orange light on the Broadband connection is still flashing but we are hoping that it won’t be too many days more. We’re also hoping the problem is not inside our house after all. Oh, we do have mice in the loft, that is without question and the wires look very vulnerable, but apparently next door but two have the same problem, the phone that is not the mice. Our cables are all on the same telegraph line so there is likely to be a link. We are still asking our furry friends to leave before they do any more damage. We don’t know yet just how much they’ve actually done but they have certainly eaten most of a child car seat. My Mistress has still got to get the rest of the things out of the loft to find out what state they are in. She’s done 20 boxes so far, but the loft still looks full. The problem was that when we moved here we condensed the contents of three houses into one. Instead of sorting everything out, a lot of things got put in the loft to look at in the future and it seems it is now the future. My Master says the boxes of flowery curtains from my Mistress’s old house aren’t going up here and she thinks they are too good to throw away, so what do you do? I think she’s going to admit defeat and take them all to the charity shop. She is contemplating putting some up in one of the rooms he rarely goes in, to see how long she can get away with it.

I was almost forgetting to tell you that I asked to go for a walk yesterday. I didn’t want to go far or to go very fast, but I decided, as it was one of those lovely warm still autumn days, I’d like to go and have a bit of a sniff to see what I was missing. To be fair I concluded that I wasn’t missing that much but have said if the weather is good again tomorrow I might consider going to one of our other walks.

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