Thursday 25th September 2014 – Training Ari

At last at the age of three years old, Aristotle is ready to concentrate on his training. My Mistress sat him down and said enough was enough and he couldn’t play the puppy card any longer. By the time the new puppy joins us next year she said he was to be the best trained dog and a perfect example. I stood behind her grinning as she was saying that and Ari was trying not to smirk. Anyway, he’s so bright that if he just makes a bit of effort he’ll have everything cracked in no time. With Ari a lot of it isn’t that he doesn’t know the commands and can’t do them, it’s that he does know what my Mistress wants but declines to cooperate. He knows sit, stay, and wait. He also knows touch and tap and will play tag when they are walking. He will come back when called but has always claimed that walking to heel is a mugs game when he can be walking four paces in front of everyone else. He has always refused point blank to lie down on command. Anyway, the challenge has been laid down and within two days he is already being prepared to lie down in the house, but still refuses outside. He did however demonstrate that he can walk very nicely at heel as long as there are no other dogs around. Achieving any of this with other dogs is going to be his real test. My Mistress has said to him that by the next Fun Day she wants to be able to put him through his paces in the Obedience Challenge and know that he will perform as well as his mother. He has finally accepted there is no way out and that he is going to have to go along with the plans. He did point out that on the up side, it is meaning he has access to a ready supply of treats at the moment.

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