Wednesday 24th September 2014 – I hope it lasts

Recently, Ari has been getting a little bit big for his paws. It started when Shadow was ill and he saw an opportunity to take over. Being top dog does not come naturally to him and he hasn’t got the finesse that Shadow has in exercising his powers. To be quite honest he is an annoying pain when he is like that. Anyway, last week my Mistress wasn’t really at her best all week and he rather took advantage, barking out of turn and pouncing on me at the least opportunity. Anyway, this week my Mistress has sat him down and told him it has to stop. He argued of course, but then she got tough with him and has said that until he learns how to behave she is going to be very hard on him. He’s been as quiet as a lamb most of the time and seems to have realised she is serious. Yesterday, he was sitting quietly on the bed in the window of the office while she was working, but the day before he spent most of it sulking in the kitchen. I really like him when he’s like this. He fits in well and is my friend. I hope Shadow stays fit and strong long enough to keep her top dog position for a number of years yet. I’m hoping that the new puppy will be a natural leader too and may take over from Shadow. Perhaps we should be keeping a girl from Shadow to see if she passes the ability on down the female line.

My Master was away last night so there was spare space to sleep on the bed. We love him dearly, but it would be wrong to say we don’t enjoy these little opportunities once in a while. Ari slept in the bedroom with us too as a reward for his good behaviour.

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