Saturday 13th September 2014 – Twiddling my paws

We had a quiet day yesterday. My Mistress just wanted a rest and to be honest snoozing in the sunshine overlooking Lake Geneva with the mountains in the background is not such a bad way to pass the day. We went to have a walk down near the lake, which was very pleasant and nice and warm too. I had hoped to see my new friend again, but sadly she wasn’t available to play today so I had to content myself with my own company and sniffing out the local wildlife.

I felt so completely at home in the place we were staying. It was quiet and relaxing and the perfect place to put my paws up. Usually in a strange place I’m a tiny bit insecure and stay very close to my Mistress but here I was more than happy to find my own space, wherever there was a little patch of sun and settle down in comfort.

Today is the start of the long drive home. We’d definitely like to stay longer, but sadly we have to get back. My Mistress has said I can come again if I’d like to and I’ve said I would definitely agree to that the only question is how soon she will let me come. At Christmas she will have to bring Shadow so I’ll have to stay at home to look after Aristotle. It would have been nice to see everywhere in the snow, but I suppose I’m not going to get to do that. I do need to come back because I want to meet my father’s human. I think we have to wait to see exactly when Shadow has her puppies before we can work out very much about next year. I wonder if I could persuade my Mistress to take me away for her birthday next year. She was talking about driving coast to coast across America, but I’m sure she’d rather spend the time with me.

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