I’ve had a great time. Yesterday I went to see my mother’s human and my sister and niece. My sister and I had an argument, but we stuck to shouting and she wasn’t allowed to roll me in the mud or generally jump on me. I was very happy to see Mum’s human. You never forget the person who was there for the first ten weeks of your life, the first human whose smell is comforting and reassuring. They always have a special place in your heart. My sister is much greyer than I am. Her black bits have gone grey as well as her brown bits round her muzzle. Another sister is suffering with her back and arthritis, but what was good to hear is that all my older brothers and sisters from Mum’s first litter are all well and they are about 11 years old now.
I bought some really exciting things from the pet store in Belgium. There is actually beer for dogs. I’m planning a boys’ night in with Ari. As well as the beer we’ve got pizza and crisps for dogs too. I bought some love heart treats for Bella too and my Mistress bought us some marzipan so we’ll all be happy. She bought beer for our Master so he will be happy too, he’s got more bottles than me, but I’m not counting. She didn’t buy anything for herself though, which is a shame.
Now I’m on my way to see my paternal human grandparents and my maternal ones too, so all in all it’s been a good trip although I did fall downstairs yesterday and hurt my back again, but those are just details. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I hit the wall and seemed none the worse for it and my back will be back to normal again in a few days.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Sorry about you falling off the stairs and hurting your back Alfie, hope it will feel better soon!
But great to hear you (and Bella!????) are having such a great vacation!
That’s weird: I put in a smiley next to “Bella!” but that changed into question marks?! Sorry about that!