The sedative seems to have hit Shadow quite hard this time. She was still a wobbly drunken dog yesterday morning. Although she was back to wanting to eat she really wasn’t herself and just wanted some quiet on her own. She didn’t want to go for a walk, basically she was worried about falling over. She got lots of tender loving care, which she lapped up and found very comforting. We can be very needy when we are under the weather.
Because I had gone off going for walks again my Mistress decided to take me somewhere I don’t normally go to see if that would help. She was right, it did. I was happily trotting along when she did the strangest thing. She broke into a trot alongside me. I had to up my pace. I must admit I rather enjoyed it. She’s not really a runner so we didn’t go very fast and only trotted for a limited distance before she had to return to a fast walk, but it was a companionable trot and I might even suggest we do it again some time. She is fed up as her weight loss seems to have come to a grinding halt, so she is trying to kick start it into action again. She has further reduced what she is eating, or more to the point gone back to being strict with herself as she had slipped slightly. I’m sure she will get back to the right track soon. I’m in great shape so leading by example, particularly if you think that in human years I’m now in my sixties. I was only complimented at swimming last week for having a nice slim waist, compared to Aristotle. He’s actually a slightly different build to me and takes after his mum, who has long since given up trying to find her waist, but then three litters of puppies have not helped that.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com