Shadow had an xray on the poorly paw yesterday and there is no break and no arthritis so it seems to be just a soft tissue injury. She’s trying a different anti-inflammatory to try to get the swelling down and has to walk on mainly pavement at the moment so that there is no risk of her twisting it and making it worse. She was very happy to come home after her xray as she was unimpressed to have missed breakfast and was ready for something to eat. She was a bit quiet and sleepy but that wasn’t too much of an issue. I went to collect her so I could have my microchip checked ready for me to go on holiday in a week and a bit’s time.
My Mistress has had some many enquiries about our breed recently and about the Appenzeller. She doesn’t know anyone who is breeding the Appenzeller in this country so she had to refer the person to breeders in Switzerland. She says it’s hard enough work trying to introduce one breed without getting involved in another one as well. She had a leaflet arrive from the Austrian Entlebucher Club of a whole week of events for Swiss Mountain Dogs next June. She is very tempted to go and there are at least another couple of people in our club who would like to go too. I said I would give it a miss but I think maybe Shadow would be interested. Ari can stay and keep me company. He doesn’t really enjoy the upheaval of travelling, it makes him nervous. I just don’t like crowds – either dogs or people, so I am very happy not to get involved. Shadow can be a bit jumpy at odd noises when she is away travelling but otherwise is relatively easy company and she is much more sociable with other dogs than I am.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com