Saturday 26th July 2014 – The sort of day I like

Today is my sort of a day. Our Mistress is planning to spend half of it cooking and half of it gardening, both of which are activities I can really throw myself into. I am always willing to be her cleaner upper when she is cooking and, if I do say so myself, I do a very good job of it. I think it’s a mass sorbet and ice cream making session so there will be lots of fruit about. It will all be made in the order of the ingredients that my Mistress is not allergic to first so that she doesn’t accidentally contaminate any of her food. She tends to lick the bowl out for that stage, but later on when she moves on to the ice cream I will be there to help as she can’t do that bit. I’m not allowed to help when there is alcohol involved, although Ari is usually the one pushing forward at that point.

Ari and I went swimming yesterday. I’m doing really well now and almost at the point where I will get in without any hesitation and on my own. Ari has to be physically lifted into the pool so he doesn’t do a runner. He still swims better than me, but I’m getting there. I am getting better at steering so I don’t lollop round the corners quite as much as I used to. I could almost go as far as to say I enjoyed it and even I can tell how much difference it makes to me. My back has felt much better again. It’s almost like a magic cure. I was ready for a sleep when I got back though. With the heat and it being just a little bit stressful I was very tired indeed.

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