Now you might think from the title that I have a cold, but you would be wrong. I really did mean a chew. Yesterday my Mistress went to buy a second one of the very large chews so that I could have one too. Shadow is not even half way through hers yet, so she thought there was a fair chance I would be allowed to have the new one. How wrong she was. Shadow nonchalantly came over and licked the end of the new chew and made clear to both Ari and me that she had her eye on us and then she walked away. Now I don’t know what that means where you come from, but when dealing with the Shadow Mafia that means DO NOT TOUCH under sufferance of death or worse. Ari might chance his arm, but he has a way with his mother that I don’t have the luxury of. I am giving the chew a very wide birth and making sure I don’t so much as accidentally look at it as I pass. You can call me a coward, and you wouldn’t be the first, but I know what Shadow is like to live with and I am not going there. Oh she might look all soft and cuddly on the outside but she can be one mean bitch when the chips are down. Add to that the risk of female hormones kicking in and I’d be toast if I didn’t do as she’d said. So much for equality, I might strive for it, but at the end of the day I’m just not up to asserting myself to get it. Every so often our Mistress will step in and make Shadow treat me a little more respectfully, but let’s be honest, it isn’t really ‘respect’ if someone else has to make them do it.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com