My Mistress was told that Pets at Home are now stocking the metre long chews that I used to get in Belgium. She went and bought one when she collected her new glasses on Sunday. I saw it as she got out of the car and got really excited, but that was a bit premature. I should have guessed that as soon as Shadow sniffed what it was she would claim it as hers. What I didn’t guess was the humour that it would provide for the rest of us. First on Sunday in the evening my Mistress put it out of the way only to hear Shadow trying to drag it upstairs to bed with her. Bear in mind it is about as big as Shadow so that is no small job! Yesterday she kept moving it from room to room, not so she could chew it, but just so she could look at it and know where it was. She even went to fetch it to keep it nearby while everyone had lunch. The funniest moment was after lunch when she decided she’d go into the snug and take it with her. The problem is there is a dog gate on the doorway of the snug and the chew is longer than the opening. There was Shadow with the chew in her mouth so it was held horizontally trotting straight into the gate to the snug and being stopped rather abruptly but the chew getting stopped. She didn’t bother going in then. She walked up to the gate once, obviously sizing it up, but then sat back quietly in the kitchen where she could keep an eye on her chew. I don’t think she ever plans to eat it, she’s just very happy to own it. I think if she could get it out of the back door then might try to bury it and that would be an awfully big hole.
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