Tuesday 27th May 2014 – Shadow’s day out

Cinderella at Fountains Abbey 012Shadow had a lovely day out yesterday. She said she could not stop smiling the whole time. Cinderella is growing into the most beautiful dog and gets her looks from her father’s side. My Mistress said it just reminded her of Megan all day. Megan is Cinderella’s first cousin, her mother is Cinder’s father’s sister. Read it slowly it does make sense! She is going to be taller than her mother and her black fur is much darker a sort of jet black rather than tinged dark brown. It’s funny as we saw a photo of Scout (Cuddles) the other day and she is the image of her mother. The way she sits everything was so like her mum, but with Cinders it is the other way round and she is just like her dad. Ari was fed up not to go to see his sister, but the walk they were doing was too far for him. It was too far for Cinders as it turned out and she had to catch the minibus back again from the tea room.

Shadow said the only thing that spoilt her day was that there were no vanilla ice creams at the tea room and she ended up trying a lemon sorbet but wasn’t really keen. To make up for it my Mistress told us we could all have an ice cream at home last night, so it wasn’t all bad. After how the weather has been it turned out to be fine and sunny all day, which was lovely for them. I had a quiet day at home with Ari. I was pleased to see them back but to be honest I’d been asleep on the bed most of the time so the time had flown by. Ari wasn’t too much of a pain. He’d been for a walk in the morning before they went out so he was happy to doze as well, which was a blessing.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com

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