I told you that I had resigned from helping with the seminar on Saturday. It just wasn’t my thing. I could not bring myself to pretend to be a girl for the day and the thermometer was the last straw. Well, the position for girl dog is available if you want to apply. Shadow says she is still willing to do it, but she is so hormonal that she might prove too much of a distraction to both Eiger and Dickens who are attending. My Mistress also needed a puppy to show how to do puppy cpr. I think there might be laws about not using a real one in that way so she has solved that problem by using the cuddly toy from the bookcase. I thought you’d like to see his photo. All she needs now is a rather larger cuddly toy that looks like Shadow and she would be sorted. Of course the cuddly toy would have to do unspeakable things that could traumatise it for life. She even did a search on the internet to see if she could find a toy that looked like us. She found a rather amazing (and very expensive) weather vane, but no cuddly toy. It’s probably as well as I would hate to have been traded in for a cuddly version. Obviously, I am cuddly – but I meant a fake cuddly version. Having said that our Mistress has always said we are better than any cuddly toy. I can lie just as still in bed as a cuddly toy would but I have the added advantage of providing body warmth and sighing occasionally with contentment.
It’s quiet now our visitors have gone. Shadow no longer feels the need to bark every time she hears a strange noise, which to be honest is a blessing to all of us
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com