A double negative is not always a positive but it might be. Megan has her progesterone test result and it was good news. It was 10.6. Now that doesn’t mean she is pregnant, as hormone can follow a similar path whether our girls are pregnant or not, but it does mean she is not definitely not pregnant, if you see what I mean. In simple terms it means there is still hope that she is. Her next step will be to have an ultrasound scan at around 5 weeks, which isn’t for another 3 weeks so we have to keep our paws cross a while longer yet. At least after all the bad news we’ve been having it isn’t more bad news, which to be honest I don’t think my Mistress is ready for.
My Mistress has learnt something she found interesting and realises she should have known. Everyone is very quick to tell you not to have too much salt in your diet but they forget to tell you there is a minimum amount you need for survival. When she went Swimming, my Mistress got sever cramp in her feet and so she looked up the cause. It turns out that not having enough sodium can be a cause. She then worked out how much she does have and realised it was way below the minimum and she’d taken the instruction to reduce her salt intake rather too far. It turns out you need a minimum of 2g per day as an adult human and she has not been getting more than 1g at most. She started having some salt and when she went swimming again after two days although she got cramp in one foot she didn’t get it in the other. She’s hoping that after a few days of having more salt she won’t get it at all. It’s an important lesson to have learnt!
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com