Shadow has not been considerate enough for her season to start and so with less than two weeks to the breeding seminar I have been declared officially a girl dog, for a couple of weeks. Now I have started my programme of becoming accustomed to my new status and it is not good. I tried to argue I was oversized for a girl but apparently I would come within the maximum tolerance so that didn’t work. The programme began yesterday with a biscuit, which did for a moment make me think it wouldn’t be too bad. That was followed by finding out my temperature was 37.6 degrees, during which I have to tell you there was a certain amount of buttock clenching on my part. It took longer than I would like and although I stood still, I’m not totally sure I’m going to be happy with an audience of people and other dogs, male dogs, watching my ignominy. I was given a consolation biscuit at the end as well, so again, not all bad. Playing the girl while demonstrating the sex position of dogs is not something I am looking forward to but I guess I will have to go along with it in the name of progress. I know that whatever I have to do, my Mistress will be gentle with me, as she always is.
My Mistress has been having nightmares. She is thinking about what will happen to Megan if she is not pregnant and the possible need to find her a new forever home so that we can continue breeding. The problem is that she is now having dreams in which she hears Megan calling for her and when she gets to her she just sits for hours comforting her and stroking her head. I think my Mistress is feeling guilty that Megan may not come back to live her and to be honest I’m sharing in some of her guilt, but without the nightmares, as it’s partly because she and I don’t get on that there is a problem. The bond between human and dog is a complicated one and the relationship between dog and dog is even harder to fathom.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com