Friday 25th April 2014 – Poppy, Roxy and Archie

IMG_1278Aristotle went for a walk yesterday with a lovely girl who came out of rescue a little while ago and who is thought to be part Entlebucher. If she isn’t one of us, she’s certainly been reading the handbook of what we are supposed to be like. He had a lovely walk somewhere he’d never been before and did his best to show her just what an Entlebucher should be, although to be fair she already seemed to know most of it. Here is a picture of her so you can see what I mean.

There is another one in rescue looking for a home at the moment that seems to be part Entlebucher, Roxy. Our Breed Rescue Coordinator is trying to find out how to foster Roxy at the moment so we can at least get her out of the kennel environment as it really doesn’t do our characters any good. If you are experienced with dogs and think you might be able to give Roxy a home then please get in touch.

Whilst my Mistress was out with Ari, I got an email from a lady who wanted to check what I am as she is collecting her new puppy in a couple of days and thinks he looks very like me. It’s not the first time I’ve been confused with a Beagle and I dare say it won’t be the last. Little Archie however is a Beagle and we hope if his owner is reading today she might send us a photo of him so we can show you all how cute he is. Perhaps I could post side by side pictures of an Entlebucher at his age and Archie so we can see side by side how much alike we look.

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