Monday 21st April 2014 – A career for Ari

We went for a different walk yesterday. At last the ground is dry enough everywhere to go back to all our old favourite haunts. The problem now is the fields of oil seed rape rather than the quagmire that was once a field. I’m not sure where we’re going today it may be the same place but we’ll have to see.

In an exciting development my Mistress and I have been asked to write a regular column for the Club newsletter for NEMDA the American Entlebucher club. Ari asked if he could do it as I have a diary and I said that he wasn’t a writer so it made more sense for me to do it. He sulked after that, but then he hasn’t really worked out what his place in the world is yet. He has been thinking about being a therapy dog, but he’s not absolutely sure he can behave as well as that requires for long enough. I suppose I should be more sympathetic, I remember what it was like having my dreams of being a stud dog taken away from me and no knowing what I was going to do with my life.

My Mistress would like her friends to stop posting internet videos of cute animals showing emotions and intelligence. The latest were the ducklings playing on a water slide and the chicken going up to the little boy for a cuddle. It is making her seriously think that eating any sort of animal could well be wrong. However, as meat is one of the few things she can still eat she’s in a bit of a dilemma. She’s just not going to have to think about them in that way when she goes to the butcher’s each week.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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