Happy Easter to you all.
We had very exciting news yesterday. Megan’s progesterone was 8.2 and she was ready to mate. She went to see Rino and they mated with a tie of 25 minutes, which is longer than any of Shadow’s have been. She was very clear afterwards that she had had enough attention from Rino and went home and put her paws up to relax. She is going to see him again today and possibly tomorrow but after telling him that was enough yesterday it may be she does not want to mate with him today. Aristotle has been kicking his heels looking very glum. Even being told it might mean he has some new brothers and sisters didn’t cheer him up. She will have another progesterone test on Tuesday to make sure she is maintaining her level of progesterone as she needs it to stay higher now so that she can become pregnant. If all goes well it will mean she is giving birth to puppies around 21st June. We’ve got everything crossed for her. Even though it is far too early to know if she will become pregnant my Mistress has already been thinking of names. It won’t be our ‘D’ litter as it would have been if they were born in this country, it will be our friend’s ‘Y’ litter. They’ll have our kennel name as their middle name but need to have short first names so they fit on the form. So far we like Yogi, Yoda, Yoyo, Yeti, Yodel and Yorik. I’m not really sure which if those work for girls but I suppose any of them would do.
I don’t suppose the good weather can last much longer but it has been nice whilst it’s lasted. We all had a lovely walk on Friday but then yesterday Ari said his legs were hurting so he stayed at home while Shadow and I went out. I like it when he doesn’t come as I can walk by our Mistress undisturbed.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com