Friday 18th April 2014 – a good day

Yesterday was a good day. The people we met were lovely. You always know you’ve done a good job when the children leave saying to their parents ‘Can be join the waiting list, please?’ The boy didn’t have asthma at all, which was brilliant. He put his face right up into Aristotle’s fur and was just fine. Ari rather enjoyed it too. Ari made particular friends with the girl and she wanted to take him home.

As though that was not enough excitement our human aunt came to stay for a few days which is always good. Another pair of hands to fuss us is always welcome. Her dog died only a couple of weeks ago so we were especially nice to her and snuggled up close. We had lots of time outside too as the weather was good and my Mistress decided it was time to clean out the inside of her car. I’m pleased to say that most of the hair that was vacuumed up was hers rather than mine!

Not so good was darling Megan is still not ready to see the stud dog. Her progesterone is going up but more slowly than it does with Shadow. She has reached 4 so it is looking more as though it will be the weekend when she goes to see Rino. She can’t have another test as the vet won’t be open for the results over Easter. She needs to say when she’s ready so I hope she remembers to do that. I don’t know what it is with these girls but they always pick inconvenient times to do these things. The sorts of times when people have better things to do than drive round the country taking them to stud dogs. That’s girls for you!

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