Tuesday 15th April 2014 – Everyone happy

My Mistress and Megan
My Mistress and Megan

Now he is home Aristotle is completely relaxed and happy. He was so pleased to be here and finally relaxed and fell soundly asleep. I didn’t like to mention that he looks a little sorry for himself where he was shaved for his test last week. He’s got a lot of his fur on his tummy missing as well as the patch on his leg where they did his blood test. I guess it will soon grow back.

We will hear later today where Megan’s progesterone level is now and when it is likely that she will mate with Rino. We are really excited and hope she will become pregnant this time. It’s her last chance and it would be such a shame if she could not have puppies. I’ve got my paws crossed for you Megan. I know we have our differences but I really hope you are successful. My Mistress says she has found it very hard leaving Megan again and it was lovely to see her. I said she could give me an extra cuddle to make up for it.

We have tulips flowering in the garden now as well as the daffodils. With all the trees coming into leaf you could be forgiven for think that summer is on the way. The weather forecast is good for all of this week so we are hoping for lots of nice walks and time outside. I know my Mistress has to catch up on work, but I’m sure if we ask nicely she will break off for a little while to take us out. I think we have visitors coming to meet us on Thursday so that should be fun anyway. I think there are some more vegetables to plant this week too, so we can help!

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