Thursday 10th April 2014 – An odd day

Today Aristotle is supposed to be having his ectopic ureter test. He doesn’t need to have the test but he has volunteered to try to help the research that is being undertaken and to help them develop a dna test instead of ultrasound. As I write this I don’t know whether he will have it as he wasn’t very well yesterday. He was sick just after breakfast and didn’t want to drink much all day and then in the afternoon when he went for a walk he was sick again and said he wasn’t feeling well. I think it may be from all the excitement of the journey. He certainly wasn’t feeling himself. I hope after all this he is able to have it and starts feeling better very soon. At least he will be in good hands as he is at the Animal Hospital at the University of Zurich. He said his walk was a lovely surprise. When he saw the hotel he thought it was going to be all busy and lots of traffic around it, but as it turned out there is a lovely big park right opposite that is built over a whole load of roads. There was a lake and ducks and all sorts of things to sniff. He has said that despite how exciting everything is, he would much rather be at home. I think of all of us he is the least happy to be an only dog on a trip. He loves being with our humans but he needs either Shadow or me to be there too. It’s funny, I’m the most independent of all of us when it comes to doggy company – maybe I’ll get to go on more trips while he and Shadow stay at home.

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