Of course only those sad enough to know that today is the start of the UK tax year will understand the heading and it just goes to show I’ve spent too long around my Mistress. It has always struck me as an odd day to start a year on. I know the calendar is only an arbitrary thing and New Year could as easily be the 36th of November as the 1st of January and all any of them are is a name given by a human. I think maybe it’s time for dogs to come up with their own calendar. It should be one that means our birthday’s come round just once a year but therefore should last for 1 7th of a human year. It may make planning the seasons a little difficult but if there can be 7 days in a week, there can be seven years in a 12 month period. We should give our new months names that mean something to dogs. Perhaps naming them after famous dogs would be good. There is symmetry to the idea. In the same way there are seven days in a week, meaning there are 52.14 weeks in a year, there would be 52.14 days in a dog year, but it may be best to round it to 52 and add a leap year every seven years – so once a human year. Each year will be made up of 4 months, each lasting for 13 days. The month of Snoopy could be followed by the month of Lassie and so on. At that point I feel like I need a long holiday to get over all the deep thinking that has gone into that.
You should have seen Shadow sniffing my Mistress when she got back yesterday. She couldn’t even get through the door. Shadow was on her hind legs, pinning my Mistress in position while she had a good sniff. It didn’t help when she was told that Annie’s puppies are doing very well and have put on weight better than any of Shadow’s ever have and are all really beautiful. I think my Mistress might have been better to keep that to herself!
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com