It’s swimming day today, but I can relax as it isn’t my swimming day, it’s Aristotle’s. He says he’s looking forward to the shower as he wants his coat looking his best for when he meets his dad next week. I didn’t like to point out that he’s not going to be feeling his best after his trip to the University of Zurich on Thursday. What kind of dog subjects themselves to a health test they don’t actually need? Oh fine, it will help with the research, but who wants to help with research if it is going to involve having blood taken and mild sedation? Shadow was trying to tell him what it was like but I don’t think he was really taking it in. He’s just focussing on the fact that he gets to go to Switzerland and I don’t. I’ve been before, I’m a dog of the world. He forgets I’ve seen much more in my rather longer life than he has seen so far. Oh to be young and think you know everything!
I’ll be glad when the smog and cloud lifts and we get spring back again. The overall bright greyness of the day is depressing and not at all the sort of thing that a dog looks forward to in the morning. Shadow wants butterflies to chase and I just want a nice warm sunny patch to sleep in. Ari wants the back door open so he can run around to his heart’s content. My Mistress wants it to be dry and sunny for long enough for the front door to dry out, and be painted before it gets wet again. It’s not a lot to ask. Maybe we should move to somewhere that fits the bill better, but then the way the climate seems to be changing there’s no guarantee that anywhere else will be any better. What’s Saharan dust doing over here anyway?
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com