Wednesday 2nd April 2014 – She’s done it

Our Mistress has booked to go on a plane. After seven years of being terrified by the prospect of air travel, she has decided enough is enough. There is a lot of difference between booking the ticket and getting on the plane itself, but she promised that if she got as far as making the booking (which is non-cancellable) then she would get on the plane and make the flight. The good news is that she does not expect me to go with her on this occasion as I have no intention of being airborne in a large heavy metal object trying to defy gravity. She is now having to sort out things like Visa’s and car rental and lots of other things she seems excited by, but frankly don’t raise an eyelid from me. I’m more excited by the fact that the sun is shining and the door is open so we can go out when we like. I don’t ask for much from life, just the little comforts. Being this way does save dilemmas such as ‘is my suitcase the right shape and size?’ and ‘What time zone am I in?’ Being strictly accurate I do change time zones every so often, even without the clocks changing, but from a dog’s perspective times are measure more by breakfast, walk, dinner and bedtime, rather than watching the hands on the clock.

The number of enquiries about Entlebuchers is getting silly. Every day we have people email to ask to meet one or how long it would be until they can have one? I’m thinking of setting up a loan service to make some money out of Aristotle. I could rent him out for weekends to earn some money and get some peace and quiet into the bargain. I think my Mistress might frown on the plan, so it may need to be a covert operation.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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