Tuesday 1st April 2014 – Addicted to Study

My Mistress promised that she wasn’t going to enrol in any more courses for as long as she was trying to learn German every day. She weakened. She came across a course on Forensic Science in the Criminal Justice System and she couldn’t resist. Aristotle is worried. He thinks she is going to use what she learns to have an even more accurate idea of all the misdemeanours he commits. At least we don’t leave fingerprints, although I must admit that paw prints can be a bit of a giveaway. We already know from the necklace she had made that my paw print is not the same as Aristotle’s. I think we probably need to take Shadow’s paw print now so we can eliminate her from future enquiries!

Shadow has been subjected to a shower. She walked through something on her walk and my Mistress decided that discretion was the better part of valour. Apart from that she has lost a lot of her coat as she is approaching her season and was looking a little scruffy. Despite Shadow’s protestations, which were relatively mild when compared to Aristotle and me, she did come out looking beautiful and glossy and said she felt a lot better for it. My Mistress said she smelt a lot better too, although I didn’t see the problem before. It was a shame the log fire wasn’t still going for her to dry herself in front of. Our Mistress had let it go out before the walk and then by the time we got back the house seemed far too warm so we had the back door open for a couple of hours which was just great. It isn’t that I wanted to go out, it was the thought that I could if I chose to.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com