It was a beautiful morning when we all got up yesterday and we all saw huge possibilities in the day. Our Master looked forward to his drive to work and we looked forward to a lovely walk in the warmth of spring sunshine. Our day rapidly descended into cold and wet and not the sort of weather to go out in voluntarily and my Master’s day was a whole different story. He wasn’t supposed to be getting up slowly and enjoying a relaxed drive to work. He was supposed to have been getting up early and catching a train to London – but he forgot. Worse still, he was supposed to be going to London for his work appraisal. At least he had the courage to be honest and say he had completely forgotten. It may not mean his appraisal is as good as it should be, but it makes him a hero in my book. I did suggest his first action point to improve over the coming year might be diary management and he sheepishly agreed.
Shadow is very excited. She is arranging a special family reunion with some of her children. She is having a weekend down in Hampshire and has invited all the ones within a reasonable distance. Most of her children live in the south so there could be a few of them. Ari is going too, but as I don’t fall into the class of her ‘children’ I shall be giving it a miss.
My Mistress is firmly of the opinion that the saying ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ would be better phrased as ‘Every silver lining has a cloud’. She is excited that at long last a fast broadband connection is coming to our village and on Wednesday she placed our order. The downside is that the telephone number that has been our work one is on the old broadband line and they have said we can’t keep the number. She now has a lot of work to do changing the phone number on all the books we publish and all our other literature. On the bright side, the internet connection will be about 100 times faster than it is at the moment and that has to be good.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com