Tuesday 25th March 2014 – How does this work?

It is now not only March but officially spring and on Sunday night we had the coldest night of the ‘winter’. Has no one told the forecasters that it’s late March? You would think it was the sort of thing they would know. Of course it could have been predicted as last week my Mistress took the last of the frost covers off the plants.  I wondered if the new apple tree was going to be ok, but I can’t get close enough to warm it with a little pee as there are sticks in the ground pointing out from all angles and they could really do a dog harm in some very uncomfortable places!

Shadow and I had a lovely, if somewhat windy, walk yesterday. It was gloriously sunny and just the sort of day to trot along taking the air and smelling what was going on.

On an exciting note the woodburner stove should be being ‘improved’ today. It has taken until the last day or two for the smell of smoke to dissipate from the office so I hope that we don’t have  a repeat of the situation. I shall have a job to reclaim the seat in front of the fire as Shadow has said she would like to reserve it as hers. And, whilst my new found zest for life might make me ready to stand up to Aristotle, it has not yet equipped me to answer back to Shadow. She can be mean and I’m still something  of a coward underneath this rugged exterior.

My Mistress’s vocabulary in German has reached 226 words. It is painfully slow progress and we have to listen to her practice every day. At this rate we are going to know as much as she does and that is not saying much!

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com