Friday 21st February 2014 – Day 55 in the little puppy house

Casanova ready to leave

So there we were with the puppies thinking they all had another day together and now plans are back on for Casanova to go to his new home today. He is very excited and has already packed his blanket ready for the journey. The others aren’t sure they want him to go as they were getting used to being the four of them. My mistress explained that they all had to go and they would have just as much fun in their new homes.

From my point of view I think it will be a good thing when they have gone now. Shadow went for me again yesterday and I think it’s really only because of her feeling protective towards the puppies. She sits on the edge of the settee near the pen and watches them, when she isn’t in my bed near my Mistress’s desk. The problem is that to get into the office I have to walk between her and the pen and she isn’t happy about that. I have conceded that the bed in the utility will do me just as well for the next few days in the hope I can avoid any further trauma and injury.

Over the last 24 hours the puppies have done a lot of pooing. My Master says it’s a good thing as it means they are doing a lot of eating and that everything is being processed properly. That’s easy for him to say. He doesn’t have to sit in a pooey smelling office all day and have the job of cleaning up after them. I don’t do the actual clearing up but I did see it as my duty yesterday to pee on the bag of waste that my Mistress put outside. I was only covering up the smell but my Mistress didn’t seem very pleased and hosed it down. She said something about not wanting to take it in the car smelling like that. I pointed out that the poo smells worse but she said that was inside the bag and once she dumped it at the tip her car wouldn’t smell of it. She may have a point.

Ari doesn’t go swimming today because of the puppy collection. That is really good news for me as it means a week delay in my next swim as we alternate. Actually I think it is a 2 week delay as Crufts will get in the way of one of them.

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