Yesterday we had a major breakthrough on the eating front. At last the puppies are getting the hang of eating puppy food and are starting to clear their bowls. Not only that, but as a result they settled very happily into a pattern of being fed at roughly 4 hourly intervals through the day and then going through the night. Of course the old rule of ‘what goes in must come out’ came into play and my Mistress spent more time clearing up after them. Even little Cuddles moved onto the same regime of eating and was happy with the plan. They are still having some baby food in the mix, but it is now more puppy food and today the ratio will become even more puppy and less baby food. It will be interesting to see if the improvement is reflected in any of today’s weights.

I love this picture of Cinderella just sitting there watching what’s going on.
Cinderella and Casanova had a lovely time snuggled up with their blankets. We didn’t have time to move onto time for Chekov or Cosette but they will have some time with theirs today. The puppies coped with the man coming to check the house alarm yesterday. To be honest they didn’t really see him but there were lots of odd beeps and noises to keep them entertained. It’s all in a day’s learning for a puppy.
In other exciting news I’m going to be testing Dog Tracker Plus next month. It’s a device that I can wear on a collar that links to a smartphone application to give owners more confidence in the location of their dogs when they are off lead. I’m going to try it out and then tell you what I think. I may actually get Aristotle or Shadow to try it so that I can make notes while we are out and see how the smartphone end of it works.
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