Sunday 19th January 2014 – Weigh in and video

We need to do some work on the position of the video camera. At the moment is gets a lot in but some close up work would be fun too at the level of the puppies. I think today my Mistress is just too tired to want any more hassle so it will have to wait. She’s going to look to see if the time lapse camera has picked anything up and to look at the new position of that as well.

Shadow now has too much milk. The problem is that it means her teats are very hard and it difficult for the puppies to latch on to them. My Mistress spent an hour this morning massaging Shadow while the puppies in turn were there to try to catch the milk that spurted out. It was quite entertaining except for Shadow and my Mistress. For a start my Mistress’s bad hand is now very swollen and she still hasn’t made a significant difference to the problem. Normally now the puppies would get solid food first and only a top up from Shadow but to try to alleviate the problem they are getting to eat from Shadow first. It’s also been hard with visitors as their meal times have been a bit disrupted and the routine has broken down. I was going to try to bring you a video of feeding time in the new pen but time is against me so I have just done you one to introduce you to the puppies in their new environment and will do more over the next few days. You can see the video here

On the weights – Chekov is gaining steadily and added 80g to reach 1950g. Cracker had a steady gain too and added 80g to reach 1940g. Cinderella and Cosette who had put on a huge amount the day before did not add much – Cinderella stayed the same at 1890g and Cosette added 10g to reach 1770g. Casanova showed steady gain adding 60g to reach 1840g and Cuddles did likewise adding 60g to reach 1590g. They are all fine and happy.

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