All of the puppies now know where they will be going to live and are excited about meeting their new humans. Quite a lot of them will meet their humans for the first time next weekend. It will be a big occasion for them.
Today they have made some progress on eating puppy gruel. Cuddles in particular has decided she quite likes it but really prefers the bowl to be held and is not ready to have to stretch down to ground level to eat as it is so different to what they have been doing. She happily lapped the mixture when the bowl was held for her and then wiped the rest over my Mistress in the manner of plaster of Paris and to be honest it’s much the same consistency once it hardens!

Our Mistress had to go for a sleep this afternoon because she was so tired and although it did her good she says a night of sleep would be appreciated.
Meanwhile Cuddles – she is the gentlest of

gentle little girls. My Mistress says when she is feeding her from a bottle and Cuddles stands with her paws on her leg it is the barest of touches and when she uses her front paws to knead against my Mistress’s hand she always does it with the soft part of her paw and never with her claws out. She reminds my Mistress of dearest Tess from last year and she wonders if there is a genetic link between the additional white and the gentle nature they both have.
Here on the left she is pictures aged 16 days and on the right today, day 22.
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