Since yesterday afternoon when Shadow has obviously had milk, we’ve tried to leave as much as the feeding to her as possible. The plan has been only to give supplement to those still crying after Shadow has presented both sides for their enjoyment. Looking at the weights this morning, the policy is sort of working! However, it seems Casanova doesn’t speak up when he should and that maybe, just maybe on one or two occasions Cracker has pretended to be Casanova. Their markings are almost identical there is just one subtle difference – he’s a boy and you don’t get to see that when you look from above! As a result today’s weights are as follows:
Cracker is now the heaviest! She added 150g to reach 1680g. She is officially on a diet – or more to the point is not being supplemented for the next 24 hours. It will be reviewed again then. Chekov is still gaining nicely, he added 60g to reach 1620g and has the balance about right. Cinderella always prefers formula. She is already being rationed as she would drink the whole bottle if we let her. She is now 1610g having added 110g. Casanova only added 30g to reach 1550g. He is now going to be offered a bottle after every meal even if he hasn’t come and asked. I think he’s just one of those puppies that is not so demanding. When you are amidst a pack of hungry babies that is not always a good thing. Cosette added a respectable 80g to reach 1470g and Cuddles added 60g to reach 1290g – which is fine for both of them. We aren’t going to give them solids yet. It would be better to wait a couple of days seeing as Shadow does have milk. Unless her milk dries up again my Mistress says she is going to wait until Saturday.
Today’s video is here
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