Sunday 12th January 2014 – Day 15 in the little puppy house

IMG_0725Today the picture is a puzzle – although not a very complicated one. There are six puppies, so where in the picture is number six?

In our first litter of puppies, everyone stayed on top of the blanket. Last year it was only really Bumble (Dickens) who had regular ‘duvet days’ and could be found snuggled up under the blanket. This time there is invariably at least one puppy, and quite commonly all of them, under rather than on top of the blanket. It isn’t that the temperature is too low – that is simply something they like. This lot really are a very cuddly bunch of puppies.

It has been another long night on the feeding front. Shadow’s milk always seems to be even less plentiful at night time than during the day. My Mistress is having difficulty forcing herself out of bed and then even more getting Shadow to move. She thought she had built them up to feeding every two and half hours, but somehow that doesn’t seem to work out overnight – she was up with them at 11.30pm, 1.30am, 3.30am, 5.30am and then got up completely for them at 7.30am. Each time she is up for about half an hour so it is taking its toll. Hopefully it will only be a few more days before they can start lapping gruel and then they can all eat at once if nothing else. The best advice seems to be that we can try that from around Wednesday. Thank goodness puppies grow up faster than human children! Although having said that, you are rarely trying to manage 6 human children at the same time!

The roll bars are still in. The puppies seem to like them and so far have each learnt how not to get themselves stuck as they have got bigger. They will have to come out soon, but whilst they are affording some protection it does seem best for them to stay.

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