Tuesday 31st December – Day 3 in the Big Puppy House

The puppies have had another good night. Shadow is back to being prepared, begrudgingly, to eat our normal food. She does beg for a special diet to see if my Mistress will waver, but then tucks into the dry food and glares at my Mistress after each mouthful. She was given the wet food at breakfast and insisted on being fed by hand rather than helping herself. She is looking very healthy and happy and is becoming slightly less jumpy but not to the point I want to risk getting too close.

Casanova has a little line of warts down his leg, so my Mistress will be taking him to the vets later this morning. Other than that he seems fine.

IMG_0600Some of the pictures of the puppies are really very cute. They all want to snuggle up near their mum’s head. She always asks for them to be moved if they go under her chin as she can’t put her head down, so they have taken to lying along the length of her leg – one did try to snuggle along her face using her ear as a duvet too.

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