Monday 2pm – so much for routine

Sorry I will have to day a video later, it’s turned into a busy day. The puppies had their visit to the vet. All went well for the dew claw removal and none of the puppies appear to have an umbilical hernia at this stage. Three of them do have possible slight infections around their umbilical cords so they have had precautionary antibiotics.

After that My Mistress’s friend should have set off on her long drive home, but her car won’t start so we are trying to charge the battery. The front door has swollen with all the rain and won’t open and with everything else it has all been a very hectic morning for the puppies.

The vet said they all seem to be doing very well, which is always good to hear. The weigh in this morning showed some good improvements for the ones we were concerned about but less for the others. Chekov is still heaviest. He gained 34g and is now 584g. Aristotle was 9 days old by the time he weighed that much! Cracker is 554g having added 32g. Cinderella is 548 having added 26g. Casanova has made impressive progress adding 72g to reach 542g. Cosette added 26g to reach 492g and tiny little Cuddles added 40g to reach 394g. We are going to give a dose of puppystim to Cosette and Cuddles today. It seems to have worked wonders for Casanova!

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