Sunday 29th December 2013 – One day old – 8am

IMG_0583It is no wonder that Shadow was looking pregnant by four weeks and looking quite big towards the end, this was her highest total weight of puppies of her litters so far. Although there were 8 in her first litter rather than 7, this time all but Cuddles weighed in at over 400g. Shadow, the poor girl, was carrying a full 3 kilograms of puppies at the end, quite apart from all the fluid and her milk. It was no wonder she was uncomfortable!

It is lovely watching the first developments appear almost before your eyes. First the little brown eyebrows start to come through. Then you see the ears start to develop and the flaps start to grow. Then as the day progressed it went from one little tail wagging as they ate to several. It’s a lovely site – a little line of white tipped tails happily going side to side as a hungry pup gets some food.

They will all be weighed around 10am and we will of course bring you an update sometime after that telling you how they are progressing. I’ll also start bringing you weekly individual reports on each puppy so you can see how they grow and develop. Once my Mistress is awake enough to set it all up for me I shall bring you a daily video as well.

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