Saturday 28th 6pm – All is quiet

IMG_0580Shadow is looking a little more refreshed after an afternoon of snoozing and feeding her pups. She is grateful that we have helped them to feed from the teats that were the most full and which had become uncomfortable. She has even had some of her normal food, something she hasn’t wanted to face in over a week. The humans are taking it in turns at the moment to watch Shadow and the puppies and get some sleep. That will help my Mistress for the next couple of days until she’s back on her own and having to do 24hours a day. At least by then the puppies will be a little bit bigger.

It is lovely watching their markings developing almost before your eyes. I just hope the timelapse camera is set up right so we can put it together as a film.

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1 Comment

  1. Rooooo congratulations on your beautiful puppies Shadow! Looks like you’ll be a very busy mom for the next couple of weeks *Waggy tail*

    I was so sorry to hear about little Crimble who didn’t make it – I bet she is looking down from doggie heaven watching her little siblings grow up.

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