Friday 6th December 2013 – The weather outside was frightful

I couldn’t help thinking yesterday about the song that has the line the ‘The weather outside is frightful…’ I was just glad that I didn’t have to add the ‘let it snow’ bit. The wind was probably the worst it has been all year and everything was being blown around. I was just at the window taking stock of the garden with our Mistress when a gust of wind made Shadow jump and she suddenly flew at me and bit my ear. What is it about me? I wouldn’t harm a fly. I wasn’t even looking at her. To say I was upset is an understatement. My Mistress had to calm me down before she could even get close to examining the damage. I was bleeding quite a bit, but it didn’t seem to be anything too serious. I know Shadow is hormonal but there really was no need to take it out on me. My Mistress bathed my ear in salt water and checked the bleeding had stopped, but says she hopes I can get away without a vet visit. She’s going to check it again today just in case. It left me feeling down all day. Apart from which I had already been promised a nice walk, just my Mistress and me to cheer me up, but it was so bad we decided in the interest of safety to postpone it. The plan is to go out today. We also have to go outside and sort out all the things that have blown down the garden or just blown over. I don’t think there’s too much damage.

Ari seems to have fully recovered from his bout of ill health and is pleased to be back on normal sized meals and our usual food, which he says is a bit more filling. What a lot we are.

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