Thursday 5th December 2013 – We have seen the light

It may seem a small thing to you, but not being able to see where exactly you are choosing as your toilet spot can have nasty consequences. The flood light in the back garden stopped working some months ago. The bulb didn’t so much stop working as spontaneously combust, although that may be a small exaggeration. My Master tried changing the bulb but the problem was rather more fundamental and the whole unit had burnt out. It wasn’t so bad in the summer as it was rare that we were out during the hours of darkness, but as time has got on it has become more impossible to be certain there are no nettles, spikes, small animals or other inconveniences in my chosen spot. Yesterday, in what was quite a noisy day, the light was replaced with a lovely new one that is just wonderful. With the work for that and workmen cutting all the trees and hedges next door, it was quite a noisy day and of course we all added to it. The day before our excuse had been the men mending the road outside our house (although in that instance ‘mending’ might be something of an exaggeration). By lunchtime yesterday my Mistress was on the verge of insanity and in consequence when she received a ridiculous email from her bank she may have been tempted to tell them exactly what she thought. After that it seemed like a good time to take Shadow for a nice walk to calm them both down.

I should tell you that despite drinking some of the washing up water, complete with washing up liquid (which does seem to make for very frothy sick), Aristotle is starting to feel much better. He says he likes having five meals a day he’s just disappointed that it’s only the quantity he would normally have for two but split between them. He says as long as he doesn’t keep drinking the soapy water he should be back to normal very soon.

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